Well there's no turning back now! I've contacted the NAAF, and I'm hoping to hear back from them soon. I've made a couple price changes for dancers due to the fact that we need to rent the theater, and we need to get event insurance which isn't super expensive, but it is an extra expense.
Revised prices:
Group (4+) $40
Trio $30
Duo $20
Solo $10
Fair enough right? $10 a person (less if you're in a group) isn't that bad.
Monday I am going to be sending out letter to studios asking if they have anybody who would like to dance. I will be making a facebook group to get people excited, and hopefully get more dancers.
My wonderful Jenn has taken off with the idea of a silent auction. She seriously is wonder woman. So far she's managed to get:
A purse from HOLD YOUR HERO
Cut and colors from CLIP ITZ Salon in Orem
2-day 7 PEAKS passes (still in the works)
Chiropractic services from Dr. STEVE BAKER (also still in the works)
We have a ton of ideas, and next week I will be going ahead full force with trying to get as much done before I go on vacation for the 4th.
Keep promoting us, and get your friends to follow our blog!! Thanks everyone!!
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